सोमवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१५

2 People 1 Life

30 Countries... 67 Marriages

hawaii - julia bach - juliabachphotography.com
Alex and Lisa are an amazing couple from Manchester, England. The married couple travels the world to say ‘I Do’ in thirty exotic countries. Before starting this exciting journey, the couple sold Alex's motor repair business along with their home, furniture etc. They have traveled in their 27 year old camper van named Peggy to more than 30 Countries and exchanged vows in 67 different locations, embracing the culture and local traditions of each place they visit.

What make you to try different styles of wedding?

 Basically we couldn't find what we wanted for our own wedding in the UK so decided to travel and look for our own perfect place and way to get married. Before we left on our adventure we had a few glasses of wine too many and decided we could not make that decision without trying to experience the weddings in person. So it was decided, we would travel and hold a small wedding ceremony in-line with the local cultures and traditions in every country we visited. We decided to share these experiences on the blog www.2people1life.com to try to help other people in a similar situation to find their perfect wedding too.

Costa Rica- kevinheslinphoto.com
How you plan your each wedding?

With a lot of help from local wedding vendors and friends. We started out sending lots and lots of emails asking people for their help and for the first year it was hard explaining to people what we would like to do, but with time and lots of support our story spread and now people send us emails every day offering to help us. We have been invited to pretty much every country in the World by people who want to help us!

Which wedding ceremony do you remember the most? where was it held?

Pakistan Karachi- oshootphotography

 Every ceremony is memorable and they are all so important to us because of the experiences themselves but also because of the people who helped us and made it possible. A few of the most memorable ones are Peru, held in the sacred valley near Cusco, Ireland, held on the raw beach of Doonbeg Lodge, Bosnia, held in the small town of Prijedor surrounded by great friends, Pakistan, held in Karachi and arranged in only 3 days by a great team called I Plan events and most recently, New Zealand, held on a sheep farm and with a Maori welcome.

LA- Brothers Wright - Twinlenselife.com

How do you feel in the repetition of wedding?

We find ourselves getting more and more nervous before every ceremony so the receptions of the weddings are always a time to calm down after the emotions of the wedding, relax and talk with our friends and guests, generally over some cake or a glass of wine or two.

So would this interesting journey end anytime?

We are entirely self-funded and sadly our budget will not last forever. We have around one more year to go and intend to finish our trip in India hopefully with an incredible Indian wedding ceremony. Once the journey has come to an end we will choose our favourite wedding and finally, legally get married!

Mexico - Dean Sanderson -deansandersonweddings
Which destinations are next on your list?

We are currently in Australia and we hope to have a wedding here then we head to Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, China, Japan, Mongolia, Korea, Nepal and last but certainly not least, India.

You can read all about their adventures at http://2people1life.com/blog/

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