सोमवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१५

2 People 1 Life

30 Countries... 67 Marriages

hawaii - julia bach - juliabachphotography.com
Alex and Lisa are an amazing couple from Manchester, England. The married couple travels the world to say ‘I Do’ in thirty exotic countries. Before starting this exciting journey, the couple sold Alex's motor repair business along with their home, furniture etc. They have traveled in their 27 year old camper van named Peggy to more than 30 Countries and exchanged vows in 67 different locations, embracing the culture and local traditions of each place they visit.

एका लग्नाची गोष्ट

एक जोडपं... 30 देश... 67 ठिकाणं... 67 लग्नं

Costa Rica- kevinheslinphoto.com
लग्न आयुष्यात एकदाच होतं. मग ते संस्मरणीय का नसाव? साधारण सगळ्याच लग्नेच्छुक जोडप्यांना असं वाटतंच. इंग्लंडमधील यॉर्कशायर काऊंटीत राहणार्या लिसा गँट आणि एलेक्स पेलिंग या जोडप्याच्या डोक्यातही असंच काहीतरी आलं. त्यातनं समोर आली ती एक भन्नाट कल्पना... जोपर्यंत आपल्याला लग्नासाठी आपल्या आवडीनुसार ठिकाण सापडत नाही तोपर्यंत प्रत्येक ठिकाण आणि तिथली लग्नपद्धती ट्राय करायची.  गेली  साडे तीन वर्षे हे जोडपं आपल्या लग्नासाठी परफेक्ट डेस्टिनेशन शोधतंय. त्यासाठी त्यांनी पालथी घातलीत जवळपास 30 देशांमधील 67 ठिकाणं आणि या जोडप्यानं केलीत 67 लग्न. 

गुरुवार, २ एप्रिल, २०१५

Travelling Solo - Elita Almeida

Elita Almeida quit her 9 to 6 job for her passion to travel and write about it. She has been exploring India since two years. In this interview she shares her experience about travelling solo...

When and how did you become a traveler?
​Travel chose me though I'd like to think it happened the other way around. I happen to be  born to parents who love to travel. Road Trips have been the norm within my family so I  think it was a natural progression for me to begin venturing on my own at some point. And  that would be 2012. ​